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Rocce Rosse Beach

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9 out of 10 from 3380 Reviews
foto della Rocce Rosse Beach
Rocce Rosse Beach
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Photo of Achim Türk
Algoritmo "Bella Spiaggia"

Rocce Rosse Beach: Description

The Rocce Rosse Beach is one of the beaches located in the territory of Arbatax.

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chi sono

Hello, I'm Fabrizio, I've been living in Sardinia for over 34 years and I wanted to share my experience of Sardinian beaches with you!

I will guide you in discovering your perfect beach!

Characteristics and Type of Beach

Small cove
Surface Area: 1602 sqm
orientation south-east
cat Rocce Rosse Beach

The formation of the Rocce Rosse Beach is characterized by the dense vegetation behind it, located in a relatively inaccessible area, it reminds us of an unspoiled small cove, the distance and isolation make it suitable for the adventurous.

With a length of 89 meters and an average width of approximately 18 meters, it has a surface area of 1602 square meters and can accommodate a maximum of 200 people comfortably.

The Sand

Gray sand

The Beach is composed of Rocks sand of Gray sand color, however, due to its morphology, there is no indigenous vegetation behind it.

The Sea

Water Green
Water Deep
Seabed Rocky

The sea has a Green color, with a predominantly rocky seabed.

The bathymetric lines approach as you move away from the shore, characteristic of a beach with deep water.

Restrictions and Protection

No Sand Collection
No Shell Collection

The Rocce Rosse Beach is open access, without a specific limit defined by law. The maximum capacity of 200 people is purely indicative and is determined using the guidelines of beach resorts, assuming approximately 8 square meters per person, taking into account beach chairs or towels, umbrellas, and a perimeter passage area.

It should also be noted that on all Sardinian coasts, Article 40 of Regional Law No. 16 of July 28, 2017, paragraph 2, states: Except where the act constitutes a more serious offense, anyone who removes, possesses, sells even small quantities of sand, pebbles, stones, or shells from the coast or the sea without proper authorization or concession issued by the competent authorities is subject to an administrative fine of 500 to 3,000 euros.

Rocce Rosse Beach: Location

Lat: 39.9392084
Lng: 9.7094679
Rocce Rosse Beach

The Rocce Rosse Beach is located at south-east of Sardinia, in an area known as Tortolì.

Rocce Rosse Beach Map

How to Get to Rocce Rosse Beach

Private Vehicles

You can reach the beach by private vehicle, using the road that leads to the parking area near the beach.

Public Transport

You can reach the beach using public transportation. For more information, we recommend contacting the tourist information center at the municipality of Arbatax

By Sea

You can also reach the beach by sea using small boats, either private or rented, utilizing the dedicated launching corridor on the beach. Furthermore, it should be noted that the launching corridor is generally intended for transit purposes for unloading/loading. The boat should be anchored according to the instructions of the beach staff. In the absence of a launching corridor, the boat should be moored at a certain distance from the coast. For more information, we recommend contacting the tourist information center at the municipality of Arbatax

Parking near Rocce Rosse Beach

Free Parking

You can park for free near the beach.

When is the Right Time to Visit Rocce Rosse Beach?

Whether you're a relaxation enthusiast in Low Season, a thrill-seeker in High Season, or an adventurer ready for the Peak Season, Rocce Rosse Beach has something for everyone. But how do you ensure you choose the right time?

Don't Settle, Use 'Bella Spiaggia'!

Have you ever wondered when is the best time to enjoy the beach? With Bella Spiaggia, you no longer have to guess!

Here's What We Check for You:

  1. Weather: More sun, fewer worries. ☀️

  2. Temperature: The right warmth makes all the difference. 🌡️

  3. Wind: Direction is everything. A gentle breeze or a strong wind can change your day. And with the beach direction, we know exactly which wind will be your friend or foe! 🌬️🧭

How It Works?

The higher the number, the better! A high index means ideal conditions for a dreamy day at the beach.

👉 Don't leave anything to chance. Use Bella Spiaggia and discover your perfect time for Rocce Rosse Beach!

'Bella Spiaggia' Algorithm in Rocce Rosse Beach

The Rocce Rosse Beach Described by Visitors

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Thanks to the numerous information available online, there are a series of images and descriptions from those who have already visited Rocce Rosse Beach.

Rocce Rosse Beach Photos

What Visitors Think of Rocce Rosse Beach

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Yellow Star Yellow Star Yellow Star Yellow Star Yellow Star Yellow Star Yellow Star Yellow Star Yellow Star Yellow Star
10 su 10
it In Ogliastra, nella costa centro-orientale della Sardegna, spicca una splendida ‘cattedrale’ naturale di porfido rosso che affiora da acque verdi smeraldo offrendo uno spettacolare contrasto cromatico grazie anche a scogli bianchi e ciottoli colorati. Un panorama mozzafiato che deriva il suo nome dalla straordinaria particolarità delle falesie di porfido affioranti dal mare. La baia delle Rocce Rosse​ si apre a oriente del p​orto di Arbatax, ​frazione turistica di Tortolì, con un fondo di scogli bianchi e alte rocce di granito rosso, che conferiscono un aspetto unico ed estremamente affascinante. Il loro riflesso dona all’acqua un colore cangiante sul verde smeraldo. Qui è stata ambientata la scena finale del cult ‘Travolti da un insolito destino’ di Lina Wertmüller (1974). La composizione è unica al mondo, seppure altre falesie di porfido rosso punteggiano il litorale ogliastrino, come, per esempio, is Scoglius Arrubius, due faraglioni alti venti metri, simbolo della magnifica spiaggia di Cea, che si estende pochi chilometri a sud. I roccioni di porfido sono una grande attrazione degli esperti tuffatori. Di fronte alla spiaggetta ‘rossa’, c’è il mare aperto. Attorno tutti i servizi utili: ampio parcheggio adatto anche ai camper, hotel, bar, punto di ristoro e locali di vita notturna particolarmente animata. Dietro le Rocce Rosse spicca la stupenda Cala Moresca, che prende il nome dalle incursioni dei pirati saraceni (is morus) che nell’VIII secolo misero a ferro e fuoco la costa. La spiaggia ha fondale limpido, ​scogli di granito, sabbia dorata e fitta vegetazione ​che borda la caletta. A pochi chilometri altre imperdibili spiagge
Yellow Star Yellow Star Yellow Star Yellow Star Yellow Star Yellow Star Yellow Star Yellow Star Yellow Star Yellow Star
10 su 10
it In Ogliastra, lungo la costa centro orientale della Sardegna, non lontano dal porticciolo di Arbatax, all'interno della baia delle Roccie Rosse si offre alla vista degli avventori un meraviglioso scenario naturale costituito da formazioni di roccie di porfido rosso emergenti dalle acque cristalline della baia. Questo luogo magico ha, per anni, costituito la suggestiva cornice a tanti eventi e concerti musicali conferendo, agli stessi, una atmosfera unica, quasi magica. In prossimità un ampio parcheggio a disposizione dei visitatori ed innumerevoli servizi a disposizione degli avventori.
Mattia Calise
Yellow Star Yellow Star Yellow Star Yellow Star Yellow Star Yellow Star Yellow Star Yellow Star Yellow Star Yellow Star
10 su 10
it Come fotografo ho trovato davvero splendido questo luogo. Consigliato all’alba, la luce è davvero incredibile. È possibile fare il bagno entrando dalle rocce, consigliate scarpe da scoglio
ROBERTO PUDDU - Agente Immobiliare (Remax Mistral Group)
Yellow Star Yellow Star Yellow Star Yellow Star Yellow Star Yellow Star Yellow Star Yellow Star Yellow Star Yellow Star
10 su 10
it Un icona, un monumento naturale unico in tutto il mondo... quel rosso, quelle forme e quel mare rendono tutto un luogo magico. Poi quel parcheggio e quella passeggiata rendono il tutto fruibile a tutti... bello bello bello
ruggero graziani
Yellow Star Yellow Star Yellow Star Yellow Star Yellow Star Yellow Star Yellow Star Yellow Star Yellow Star Yellow Star
10 su 10
it Facile da raggiungere, comodo parcheggio e percorso lastricato con rocce del luogo con scalette che facilitano l'accesso ai punti più belli. Atmosfera da canyon americano con un mare stupendo. Da non perdere.

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